Lowongan Kerja di Pick Me
Project Manager
Pick Me

Detail Pekerjaan
- PendidikanD3/S1
- GenderPria/Wanita
- UmurMaks. 30 tahun
- Tipe Pekerjaan Magang
- Pengalaman Fresh Graduate
- Besaran GajiKompetitif
- Diposting---
- Lokasi KerjaCilandak, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Pick Me (at)pickme.booth is an automatic photo booth machine that has been established since 2023 in collaboration with well-known events and brands. Our names are inspired by language “Pick Me Girl” or a woman who attracts the attention of the opposite sex she likes. Where with the name and color nuances that we have, so that later we can attract the attention of the customers.
- Fresh Graduate are welcome
- Experienced & passionate
- Good interpersona skill and creative
- Willing to work at Cilandak, South Jakarta
- Full Time & Paid Internship
Kelengkapan berkas lamaran:
- Surat lamaran
- Daftar riwayat hidup (cantumkan alamat & no. HP)
- Foto 4×6, 2 lembar (berwarna background biru)
- Fotokopi KTP & Kartu Keluarga
- Fotokopi ijazah dan SKHU legalisir
- Fotokopi Kartu Kuning legalisir
- Fotokopi Surat kelakuan baik (SKCK) legalisir yang masih berlaku
- Fotokopi surat pengalaman kerja/PAKLARING (jika ada)
Bagi Anda yang telah memenuhi persyaratan, silakan tekan tombol LAMAR SEKARANG di bawah untuk mendaftar.
Bagi Anda yang telah memenuhi persyaratan, silakan mendaftar secara online melalui salah satu tombol lamaran berikut:
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